
Golf Tournament Platinum Sponsor

We are incredibly grateful for The G. McCarthy Charitable Foundation for their signigficant contribution to our golf outing.

Sincere thanks to our GOLD sponsors for their support !

Join us for an exciting start to our Monthly programs

Tuesday, September 24

When: 10am – Program & Business Meeting (luncheon to follow)

Where? Chatham Community Center

What we do

Welcome to the Chatham/Harwich branch of the Cape Cod Hospital Auxiliary.  

We are a group of volunteers with a willingness to dedicate our time and energy to raise money for the Cape Cod Hospital in Hyannis, MA while enjoying the opportunity to develop new friendships along the way.   

The Chatham/Harwich Branch meets monthly between September and May to plan fundraising and social events that are held throughout the year.

The Impact of the Comfort Pillows heart, hand, blood donation-8390212.jpg

(After a December 2023 surgery at Cape Cod Hospital), “when I was about to be discharged, I got a pillow to help me recover.

What a pleasant surprise! I want to thank you all from the bottom of my heart for all your love. Many blessings over your lives.”

~ Rafaela F. (Patient from Hyannis)

We Make Pillows

Every month, 45 hand-sewn, hand-stuffed pillows are lovingly assembled by our members, with a note of care and delivered to CCH patients.

We Fundraise

Our members gather with friends (new and old) to play games of their choosing, we host a Comedy Night, we sell raffle ticket and we hold a Fashion Show.

Talk about fun-draising!

We Golf

We host a golf tournament, bringing recreation, competitive spirit and fundraising for a good cause to life. Local vendors sponsor each hole and great raffle prizes make this a “can’t miss” event!

We Build Community

Like it or not, accidents happen. We know that when they do, we will receive top-notch care at Cape Cod Hospital. Our members each have their own CCH story; this is why we all volunteer!

Are you a numbers person?

Would you like to help us grow our membership?

Would you like to join an organization that touches nearly everyone in our community?

How much money do you think the Auxiliary (all branches) has raised?

smilies, team, together-3300636.jpg


Chatham/Harwich Members

Visit our Membership page to join us.

~200 members across all branches of the Cape Cod Hospital Auxiliary


Funds raised toward our pledge to Cape Cod Hospital’s Cancer Center


The Chatham branch is officially launched. There was a sewing group which began in the 1930s, but it wasn’t official untilf 1945.


Since 1942, the Cape Cod Hospital Auxiliary (formerly called CCH Aid Association) has raised valuable funds for medical equipment, building improvements and new construction.


Join us! Have fun, meet some great new friends and help us raise funds toward our $1M pledge toward cancer services at Cape Cod Hospital.